Health & Beauty

15 Excellent Tips to Get Rid of Keratosis Pilaris on Your Skin

For so long, we have known that the problems on skin is one that requires the biggest concern. Moreover if the problem can appear in any skin surface. Do you ever hear about Keratosis Pilaris? If it doesn’t ring a bell on you, then you may consider “chicken skin”. Yes, we are now talking about Keratosis Pilaris Rubra Faceii, also known as chicken skin. According to American Academy of Dermatology, we can also refer this problem as Follicular Keratotic Papules [1]. By reading this article, you will understand 15 excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pelaris on your skin for good. But before talking about the tips, let’s get to know more about Keratosis Pilaris.

Character of Keratosis Pilaris

Often mistaken with small pimples, basically Keratosis Pilaris is red/ reddish pink/ brown spot on our skin. These spots usually appear on upper arm, thigh, cheeks and also leg. The research from International Journal of Trichology proofed that 92 percent chicken skin appear on upper arm; and 59 percent can be found on thigh [2]. That’s why most people want to know the 15 excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris. When it appears on cheeks, people often misunderstand it as acne. The synonym of this condition is chicken skin. Why is it called chicken skin? Because the texture is rough like sandpaper and goose bumps [3]. Maybe each of you can recall the time when your arm touched others and it felt like rough surface? Yes, that’s what we call Keratosis Pilaris.

Each person can have 10, 50 or even 100 small bumps on one skin area. Dermatologist from New York Debra Jaliman, MD described that the appearance of Keratosis Pilaris usually form a group of small spots. The main indication is bump with flesh or reddish color. Just like any other skin problems such as wrinkle and crepey skin, Keratosis Pilaris came as the result of dry skin. No wonder that during low-humidity season, it tends to be worsen. Many Keratosis Pilaris appear 40 percent much more during summer, and 47% during winter. For people with dry skin, Keratosis Pilaris is the condition when the hair follicle on skin clogged by dead skin. As a result, the hair be ingrown inside the skin and form some bumps. Been knowing the character of Keratosis Pilaris, let’s move to the next part, the factors that trigger the growth of Keratosis Pilaris. Later, we will talk about your main concern, 15 excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris.

What Trigger The Growth of Keratosis Pilaris?

Actually no medical research has been revealed the main factor that trigger the growth of Keratosis Pilaris. We can investigate the appearance of Keratosis Pilaris from two sides, inside and outside. So we can conclude that the condition inside our body and also the environment outside have their own role to trigger the growth of Keratosis Pilaris.

Inside Factors

  • Hormonal Factor. Hormonal change can affect the appearance of Keratosis Pilaris. This is one reason why Keratosis Pilaris usually appears in pregnant or overweight women.
  • Inherited Condition. For those with inherited-condition, they can get the Keratosis Pilaris genetically. 67 percent people get the Keratosis Pilaris from their parents or grandparents. So if you realize that you have Keratosis Pilaris, you may check to them whether they have the same bumps like you as well, or not.
  • Dermatitis Symptom. People who has the track record of having Eczema or other atopic dermatitis symptom has bigger chance to get Keratosis Pilaris [4]. This is because the inside hormone skin condition of this people is not stable. People with this condition can consider our 15 excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris below.
  • Keratin Quantity. The buildup keratin within our hair follicle can also affect the growth of Keratosis Pilaris. Keratin is also known as hard protein. This element usually found at nails, hair, and our skin surface. It looks like fibrous structural protein. If the keratin is not balance, it is most likely that our ingrown hair will be stuck due to clogged pores. If this happen, you won’t have smooth skin surface like what you’ve dreamed of, due to the rough texture.
  • Thick Hair. The pores on our skin surface are small. Thick hair in our outermost layer of skin will form large hole on epidermis. We can conclude it as hole because that is the place where the hair should grow.

Outside Factors

  • For people who live in low-humidity areas, their skin tend to be dry. This condition comes as the result of less hydrated skin. That is why, like what we discussed above, mostly people with Keratosis Pilaris will feel worse during summer and winter. Their skin will be much more prone to dryness. Not only referring to weather, the people who live in tropical country have bigger chance to get Keratosis Pilaris.
  • Hydration Level. In any skin problems, keep the skin hydrated is an obligation. If it is not fulfilled, don’t be surprised if the problem arise. Dry skin due to low hydration level will make the skin surface not smooth. The texture will be rough and likely make the keratin amount in the skin decreases. The only thing that can help your skin be moisture is the water intake. This is also one of the 15 excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris, which we will explore more below.
  • Do you know? Keratosis Pilaris mostly appears during childhood. 35 percent child have reddish spots on their skin. Usually these bumps appear in the age above 10 years old, and getting worse during puberty. 50 until 80 percent of youth admit that they have the problem about reddish spots on their skin. At the age 30, these spots won’t grow anymore. Only about 40 percent adult have Keratosis Pilaris on their skin surface.

15 Excellent Tips to Get Rid of Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris can appear in any skin surface where the hair possibly grows. Actually the person with chicken skin won’t feel any pain. This reddish bumps just annoying, not dangerous to our health. We have comprehensively explain above that the root cause of rough texture skin is the hair that is clogged by dead skin on pores. That’s why we have summarize for you the 15 excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris.

1. Consider Your Meal and Drink

Keep your skin hydrated is one of 15 excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris. As we all know, the appearance of this rough texture skin is the result of skin dryness. That’s why to make sure that your skin is well-hydrated, consume a lot of water. At least 8 glass a day. And it should be mineral water, not the colored water or sugar added water. Consume foods rich with Omega 3. The fatty acids from Omega 3 will work as anti-inflammatory foods. By consuming these regularly, your chicken skin won’t be worse.

2. Warm Bath, Not Hot

Do you like to soak yourself in the bathtub filled with hot water? If yes, I bet you won’t do it for short length of time. You want to be relax, stay inside the bathtub while reading your favorite book or listening to your favorite music. But do you ever notice that this condition can make your Keratosis Pilaris worse? The hot bath will make the moisture of your skin decrease [5]. You should also limit your bathing time to prevent dryness. Once you finish your bath, tap gently with your soft towel. Don’t wait until the water dry automatically on your skin because it will steal the moisture level of your skin.

3. Consider Loose Clothes

Maybe some of you don’t find the correlation between wearing loose or tight clothes with chicken skin. In fact, wearing tight tops possibly scratch your Keratosis Pilaris and make it worse. Clothes made of thick and rough wool can also scratch your skin surface. Loose clothes is better for your everyday style, especially for those who live in low-humidity areas.

4. Humidifier on Room

Having humidifier on your room is one of the latest trend as the awareness of natural therapy grows. For you with red spots problem, turn on your humidifier at night, when you spend most of your time inside the room. We suggest that you do this more often during winter and summer. When you have humid room, it will reduce the skin patch and reddish spots.

5. Spa and Steam Bath

If you happen to make your time to do the spa, spend more time in the steam bath area. By doing this, you will unblock the follicles that make the hair stuck. The clogged pores will be opened. But please take a note to not doing this for too long because it can reduce your skin’s moisture.

6. Sponge Scrub

Don’t just take a bath and rinse your body with soap. Grab your sponge scrub or loofah pads. Brush your chicken skin area with natural sponge. If you don’t have one, you can also pick washcloth. But please do this gently as some of you may have sensitive skin.

7. Baking Soda & Sea Salt

Pick these bottle from your kitchen. Mix 2 tablespoonful of baking soda and sea salt. Make a paste and scrub it to your Keratosis Pilaris areas. Leave it for 10 minutes. You can do this repeatedly 3 times a week. The mild chemical content from baking soda and the abrasive power from sea salt will help to smoothen your skin.

8. Avocado Mask

Not only delicious to be eaten, avocado also has the benefit to do as excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris. Just mix avocado with honey and oil. Apply it on red areas. Leave about 20 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Don’t be surprised that later your skin will be smoother by doing this regularly.

9. Yogurt Paste

Mix 3 until 4 tablespoonful of yogurt and apply it on your brown spots. Wash it after several time. The lactic acid content from yogurt will exfoliate your skin; while the milk fat works as the moisturizer.

10. Oatmeal Rub

Apply 3 tablespoonful of salt with 2 tablespoonful of oatmeal. Remember to blend your oatmeal so that it becomes oatmeal powder. Add 3 tablespoonful of water or milk. Apply it on the reddish skin to maintain the moisture.

11. Magic Oils

Why we call it magic, because these oils can cure any skin problems easily. You can simply mix 2 tablespoonful of olive oil with salt, and rub it to your chicken skin. Meanwhile, 2 tablespoonful of coconut oil added with brown sugar can also work as anti-inflammatory agent. Apply it in circular motion to the skin, and do it regularly while your skin dry before or after bathing.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar

Yes, this one is also the most frequent liquid that always mentioned when we are talking about skin problem. In excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris, 4 tablespoonful of apple cider vinegar will work as exfoliator through its acidity. Put it on washcloth and leave it on your skin for about 15 minutes. Do this daily and the excess skin cells will be peeled away.

13. Vitamin A Retinol

Remember about Keratin that we explained to you above? 1 until 2 capsules of Vitamin A can regulate the Keratin production. Pour the content from the capsules and apply it on the rough follicle areas. Leave for about 15 minutes. This will prevent the growth of dead cells. After doing this, remember don’t be exposed to sun do to its sensitivity.

14. Cream & Lotion

There are numerous creams and lotions on the rack that you can choose to smoothen your chicken skin. Choose the cream with hydrocortisone content that can moisture skin and reduce redness of the spots. While in choosing lotion, pick the one with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and urea [6]. The result is not instant, you can see it after 12 weeks of daily usage. When you do this, please also know the right dosage and stop it if your skin react negatively.

15. Laser

Our last effective tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris is laser treatment. People will choose this if the chicken skin appear in noticeable area and disturbing, such as on cheeks. While the result can be seen soon, this method is a bit expensive.

The basic point to do when you have reddish spots on your skin surface is to do exfoliation regularly. By doing this, the dead cells will be removed. The hair that is trapped inside the pores can grow. Do exfoliation before bath to make your skin hydrated. We hope that 15 excellent tips to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris can be useful for you.

Actually there is no danger threat from having Keratosis Pilaris. But mostly this condition can affect the self-esteem, as this mostly happen to the youth. They don’t want to feel the psychosocial impact. You don’t need to see the doctor. But it is okay to see a dermatologist and examine the character of your bumps [7]. You also need to do this if there is a sign of infection. Let’s try!

Azelia Trifiana

Published by
Azelia Trifiana

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